The bathroom is the most frequently used place in the home, especially toilets, and it is the most prone to bacterial growth. Therefore, we need regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it clean and clean. Today, Xiao Bian gave you a few practical examples of clean toilets. Small way!

First, vinegar descaling

The toilet is the dirtiest place. I believe everyone is very annoyed when it comes to cleaning. In fact, it is very simple. Pour the mixture of vinegar and water into the toilet. After soaking in the toilet for a long time, the dirt will fall off as soon as you touch the brush. Clean and clean toilet.

Second, sandpaper descaling

Rubbing toilet dirt with the finest sandpaper removes dirt that cleaning agents cannot remove.

Third, baking soda

Sprinkle baking soda in the toilet, and then brew with hot water for half an hour, dirt can be brushed off.

Toilet toilet

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The production process of copper in China is dominated by copper concentrates and pyrotechnic smelting of blister copper. The status quo is that the processing capacity is greater than the smelting capacity, smelting capacity has greatly exceeded the support capacity of copper concentrate, copper concentrate resources and scrap copper imports are required. Statistics show that in the 21st century, the output of domestic copper concentrate has not been significantly increased, maintaining an annual output of 600,000 tons (copper content, the same below), by the end of 2007 will form nearly 3.7 million tons of smelting capacity, far exceeding By then China's copper concentrate resources and the protection of the capacity of the international market may provide the amount of copper concentrate. The production capacity of copper mines in China can only meet 40% of the smelting capacity.

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