Look at the formula water-soluble fertilizer is actually a formula fertilizer, according to different crops, different soils and different water quality to formulate different formulations to maximize the nutritional needs of crops, improve fertilizer utilization, reduce waste, so the formula is to identify the quality of water soluble fertilizer key.

Look at the good content of water soluble fertilizer is industrial grade or even food grade raw materials, high purity, and will not add any filler, so the content is relatively high, 100% are nutrients that can be absorbed by crops The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents are generally up to 60% or even higher. Poor water soluble fertilizers generally have a low content, and each cost is different.

Look at the water solubility to identify the water solubility of water soluble fertilizer only need to dissolve the fertilizer into the clear water, see if the solution is clear and transparent, if the water is the same as the water, except the color of the fertilizer, the water solubility is very good; if the solution is turbid or even precipitated, water soluble It is very poor, can not be used in the drip irrigation system, the waste of fertilizer will be more.

The smelly water-soluble fertilizers are made from high-purity raw materials without any taste or a very light fragrance. Fertilizers with odors are either hormones or too many harmful substances. This fertilizer works quickly, but it does not have any benefit on the disease resistance and the sustained quantity and quality of the crop.

For comparison, the water-soluble fertilizer is initially screened by the above simple methods, and then field comparison is made to determine which water-soluble fertilizer is selected through actual application effects. Good fertilizers don't work too fast, because nutrients have a process of absorption and transformation. Good water-soluble fertilizers can be seen in two or three times in terms of plant growth, crop quality, crop yield and disease resistance. The more the number of uses, the greater the difference. (Beijing Municipal Fertilizer Station Gao Qichen)

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