At present, the LED market in China is government-oriented, followed by the commercial market, and finally the civilian market. From the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Emerging Industries to the current tender for the national LED lighting financial subsidy project and the support of local governments for the LED industry, LED lighting companies have obtained better opportunities than traditional lighting companies. This is a failure of traditional lighting companies. Ignore and avoid. It can be said that the market pattern change that now appears in the lighting industry is entirely caused by LEDs. The advantages of some traditional lighting companies with single-sector leading and small-scale lighting will be declining.

In the long history, LED can only be counted as a new light source, and will not be greater than the revolution of fluorescent lamps and metal halide lamps. However, from the microscopic point of view, the depth, breadth, and speed of this transformation far surpassed previous light sources. Therefore, for traditional lighting companies, it is a continuous change in the long-term and breakthrough innovation and change in the medium and short-term. From the perspective of practical operation, this is a breakthrough innovation, and the difficulty is not small. The unique R&D, marketing, procurement, and quality inspection teams of traditional lighting companies are not capable of this new task, and even the original sales and channel system may be All of them are difficult to parry, and they need to add a lot of resources. They even need to directly use capital instruments for mergers and acquisitions and cooperation. Under the LED situation, traditional lighting companies need breakthrough innovations, but not every traditional lighting company needs to establish a huge LED R&D team by itself. Nowadays, LED talent is scarce, and blind impulsiveness and accurate positioning are critical to the enterprise. important. Do not be blindly impulsive, looking for high-quality suppliers that not only sell reliable products and provide solutions, but also save a lot of manpower and material costs.

When the LED army is swept into the lighting field, will the entire lighting industry undergo fission? For traditional lighting companies, LED can only be regarded as the source of the light source is the product of the extension of the innovation, but in the lighting design concept does bring many innovative highlights. For traditional lighting companies, technology is not necessarily the biggest obstacle, because these companies have a certain precipitation of market research, product analysis and technical research. It is not necessarily a technical problem that traditional lighting companies do not exert their power in the short term. The key lies in the timing of entering the market; the pattern will certainly change, but it is more based on the original accumulation of the enterprise and the operation of the later market.

Therefore, in the current era of alternating old and new lighting, every company must find its own direction. Do not blindly follow the big stream and it will not be overwhelmed by the turbulent rivers.

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